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Onion Seeds تخم پیاز – Taj Pansari
Onion Seeds تخم پیاز

Onion Seeds تخم پیاز


  • Scientific Name: Allium Cepa
  • تخم پیاز

  • Prevents Colon Cancer
  • Prevents Hair Loss
  • Controls High Blood Pressure
  • Reduce Breast Cancer Tumor Growth.
  • Prevents Fungal Infections
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Onion Seeds/Tukhm-e-Piyaz (تخم پیاز) also known as Allium Cepa. It originated from the Mediterranean area and is cultivated in Northeast India, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Health benefits:

It is good for treating

  1. Colon Cancer
  2. High Blood Pressure
  3. Hypertension.
  4. High Cholesterol
  5. Prevents Hair Loss
  6. They prevent fungal infections or scalp diseases which lead to hair fall at an alarming rate.
  7. They are rich in essential oils which nourish the hair and enhance their growth.
  8. Prevents Premature Greying
  9. Thymoquinone present in black onion seeds helps in protecting brain tissue from any kind of damage due to radiation. It protects brain tissues from nitrosative stress which is caused due to radiation.
  10. Protect against Parkinson Disease
  11. Reduce breast cancer tumor growth.
  12. It help in reducing all indications of morphine intoxication, morphine addiction and tolerance. This is known to prevent toxicity too. It is beneficial for those who are suffering from severe cases of morphine addiction.
  13. It helps in suppressing appetite which means lesser calorie consumption which will lead to weight loss.
  14. They are an effective treatment for different kind of throat problems which includes acute tonsils, pharyngitis, cough and throat tissue inflammation. They are also beneficial in offering relief from sore throat.
  15. Onions seeds have anti-convulsive properties, explaining their use in ayurvedic treatment since ages. People who suffer from epilepsy are known to benefit from these seeds. Regular consumption of these seeds through diet helps in reducing seizure activity especially among children.
  16. Beneficial to reduce type 2 diabetes

Whole, Powder


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm

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